End Times

Amen my brother in Jesus Christ!! Thank you so much for exposing these wicked end times….and yes… the pope, the politicians, satanists, illuminati leaders, world leaders, self confessing Christians and many more are denying Jesus for the  new world order… they are all in on it… they are finishing the rfid chip at 666 5th avenue, main street, New York City, as they all join unsaved jews who are building that wicked 3rd temple, working to see their false god, satan, the anti Christ who will live as a man, take his seat at this temple, claiming to be the messiah of the world… oh woe to those who will not repent in Jesus and be saved from eternal hell… please be warned! God bless you and thank you for warning and working for the will of Jesus Christ …

Christians for Personhood: South Carolina Pro-Life Action Update (3/5/2014)

Christians for Personhood: South Carolina Pro-Life Action Update (3/5/2014).

I was honored to sing and give my personal testimony, letting everyone know that i was a murderer as i promoted abortion with my heart and thoughts, being responsible for every baby ever born since I had battled on the decision to kill my own child when i was pregnant with her at the age of 18. I thank God for giving me my precious daughter, everyday, and I told everyone that what we think is right is what will be the outcome for more and more children that may face the death sentence of murder in or even outside the womb of their mothers. I also stated that there are only two types of people in the world that matters above everything else, and that is either saved or not saved and it is foolish to deny Christ and face eternal hell, not choosing the One who died and rose again for our wretched selves. I pray that all abortion murder mills will be shut down, and that this choice theology will only exist between the woman and God, as she must face the depths of her sin if she chose to harm her child or even kill her child, which I explained to everyone that this is nothing new, as women and men have been killing their children at birth or trying to do so in her womb, since the beginning of sin, but now that it is in the system, the world is making money from murder and will be held accountable if these lost, demented souls, as I used to be, do not repent… for God said that man shall eat the flesh of his own children in the last days to come and thats exactly it… I could go on and on about how this is possible for people who can’t fathom the thought of eating the flesh of anyone, much less children that they didn’t actually murder with their own hands, but that is another topic for another day… God bless the followers of Jesus Christ and let us explain to the lost that He is constantly showing His mercy to them in so many ways, as He did for me and everyone else that has lived in this country, not suffering as we see others suffer in the third world countries… Thank you for posting this Angela Wittman and I am encouraged to be your sister in Christ,

Crystal Rollison